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Julia Gerber from Munich, DE, 2.Dan Tendoryu Aikido, 2003

Posted 22/2/2019

From the view of Carla Gerber (born July 2018), daughter of Julia and Krzystof


I was sleeping comfortably when suddenly I was gently rolled from side to side. Look! I recognized, it was a summer Sunday morning in 2018 and my mother was practicing Aikido.

Until one month before I was born, she was doing Aikido. All Aikidokas were very considerate and we could train Aikido in a wonderful way. The Aikido training worked for us very well while I was still growing in my mother’s belly. It strengthened her mentally and physically during the difficult time of pregnancy. I just really enjoyed it because I like action.

Therefore, I would like to express my heartfelt thank you to all Aikidokas who trained with us, that they had no reservations although the situation was new to every one of us. Now I join quite often when my parents do Aikido. Most of the time I sleep since I am not able to train any more. But when I am old enough I can do Aikido as well, if I like.


Julia Gerber from Munich, 2.Dan Tendoryu Aikido, 2003

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