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Doris Pfisterer from Munich, DE, 3.Dan Tendoryu Aikido, 1985

Posted 5/3/2019


I started Aikido in March 1985, when I was 12 years old. At that time, I practiced with a group full of boys, who often made me angry. Later also women/girls started practicing with me. Some of them have stayed a few years but sooner or later the majority has quitted.

When I was a student and during my apprenticeship, I was tied to the Bavarian holiday orders. Due to this fact, it wasn’t able for me to take part in the one-week long course in Herzogenhorn. So, a further graduation was canceled for me. But then Shimizu Sensei gave me the permission, that some trainers are allowed to graduate up to the I. Dan. This took place within the framework of an exam. Seven Aikidoka took part in the exam – six males and me as the only woman. We throw and tackled each other. They didn’t make a difference between males and females. All in all, we were three to four hours on the mat and in the end, everybody has achieved this degree.

Since I changed to the club in Großhadern, I also led training sessions. As the trainer I often was younger than the beginners and in addition a woman. Some men challenged me extremely and tried to get through easier with me. I asserted myself with the principle of Aikido – power alone is not enough – and thought them these principles.

By now I’ve reached the III. Dan. Before I’ve got ill, I worked as a trainer and especially as a Dojo trainer. At the moment I’m not able to carry out these activities. Due to this I feel a big hole inside me and I hope that I can fill up this emptiness soon.

Doris Pfisterer from Munich, 3. Dan Tendoryu Aikido, 1985

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